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entitled to mark two points, and is also at liberty to call a fresh deal.
Should too many cards be dealt to either party, the non-dealer may score two points, and likewise demand another deal, upon the error being detected previous to taking up the cards; but if he should not choose a new deal, the extra cards must be drawn : and when any player is observed to have in hand more than the proper number of cards, the opponent may set up four points, and also call a new deal.
If any player meddle with the cards after dealing, till the period of cutting them for the turn-up card, his opponent may score two points.
When any player scores more than he is entitled to, the other party may not only put him back as many points as are overmarked, but likewise score the same extra number for his own game.
Should either party meddle even with his own pegs unnecessarily, the opponent may take two points, and if any one take out his front peg, he must place the same back behind the other; though when any are misplaced by accident, a bystander is to replace the same according to the best of his judgment, but never otherwise interfere.
When any player miscalculates, or neglects to set up what he is entitled to, the adversary is, in some companies, allowed to take the points so omitted; but in others this is not done, the inattentive player being only prohibited from afterwards scoring them.
Each player may place his own cards, when done with, on the pack.
In five-card cribbage, the cards are to be dealt one by one alternately, but when played with six cards, it is customary to give three ; and if with eight cards, four at a time. |