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PUT.                                261
which the highest put-card wins, three cards, by one at a time, are given to each player: then the game is played in the following way. If the non-dealer throw up his cards he loses a point; if he play, and the dealer do not lay down another to it, he gains a point; but should the dealer either win the same, pass it, or lay down one of equal value, forming what is styled a tie, the non-dealer is still at liberty to put; that is, play or not, and his opponent then only gains a point ; then if both parties agree to go on, whoever gains all the tricks, or two out of three, wins five points, which are the game ; if each player win one trick, and the third be a tie, then neither party scores.
Four-handed put differs only in this—that, on both sides, one of the players gives his best card to his partner, who lays out one in lieu of it, and the game is afterwards played as in two-handed put.
If the dealer turn up any of his adversary's cards in dealing, another deal may be demanded ; but if he turn up his own he is to abide by it. Should a faced card occur, the pack must be shuffled and dealt again. When more cards than necessary are given to the non-dealer, he may either claim a fresh deal, or have the extra cards drawn; but should the dealer give himself too many, then his opponent is entitled to a point, and may either have another deal, or draw the supernumerary cards. By-standers ought never to interfere, under penalty of paying the stakes. Either party saying I pat, must abide the event of the game, or pay the stakes.
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