Hoyle's Games, Improved And Enlarged - online book

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Gaming, like every thing else in this sublunary world, is subject to the caprices and vicissitudes of fashion. Thus Quadrille, which for upwards of a century held the first rank in all the gambling circles of Europe, is now completely banished from them ; and is rarely or ever seen beyond the pre­cincts of some antiquated provincial circles, where it continues still to faire les delices of many a dowager. It is played by four persons, with forty cards; the four tens, nines, and eights, are dis­carded from the pack; the deal is made by dis­tributing the cards to each player, three at a time, for two rounds, and once four to each, beginning with the right-hand player, who is the elder-hand.
The stakes, consisting of several equal billets or contracts, comprising the counters and fish, are distributed among the players, who agree upon the value thereof, and upon the number of tours, which are usually ten. After the trump is named, the right-hand player leads, and should the ombre, either alone or with a friend, win all the tricks, he gains the vote, or if six tricks, the game ; but if he get only five tricks he loses by remise, and if only four, by codil. The game, c6nsolation, matadores, bastos, and other payments, are variously regu­lated, according as the game is won or lost. The holder of either or both of the red aces is entitled to a fish for each.
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