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286                         REVERSIS.
first nine tricks are gained by the same person ; there is then an end of the party, and of the qui­nolas if held by him, except he has played both or either of them before the two last tricks ; but, on the contrary, should his reversis be broken, he then is not only to pay the reversis broken, but the stakes to the pools, for the quinolas he may have played before the reversis was undertaken. All consolations paid for aces or quinolas, by the person undertaking the reversis, are to be returned on winning it.
The espaynolette is either simply four aces, or three aces and one quinola, or two aces and two quinolas. The player holding it has a right to renounce in every suit, during the whole game, and if he can avoid winning any trick, and there be no reversis, he of course wins the party in preference to him who is better placed; but if obliged to win a trick, he then pays the party to the other, and returns the consolations he may have received for aces or quinolas ; and if he have a quinola, he must pay the stake to the pool, in­stead of receiving it. The player having the espagnolette is at liberty to wave his privilege, and play his game as a common one, but loses that privilege the moment he has renounced play­ing in suit. The player of the espagnolette receives consolation in any part of the game, if he force the quinola.
If the reversis be won or broken, the espagno­lette pays singly for all the company. When the person holding the espagnolette can break the reversis, he is paid as before mentioned, by the person whose reversis he broke ; he can like­wise undertake the reversis, but then his hand must be played as a common game. Should the espagnolette have placed his quinola, and there be
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