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When a person is tolerably well acquainted with the. winning game, he should then learn the losing game (the reverse of the winning), which is a hey to Billiards in general. It depends entirely upon the defence, and a knowledge of the degree of strength with which each stroke should be played, either to defend or make a hazard; for if a person, who has a competent knowledge of the game, should not have a hazard to play at, he must endeavour to lay his own ball in such a position, that his adversary may not have one to play at the next stroke. For a losing game, hazard is much more easy to be made, when well understood, than a winning game hazard is in general.
1. At the beginning you must string for the lead and the choice of the balls, the same as in the rules at the white winning game.
2. If the striker miss the ball, he loses one : and if his ball go into a hole by the same stroke, he loses three points.
3. If the striker hole his adversary's ball, he loses two points.
4. Forcing either or both the balls over the table, or on a cushion, reckons nothing; but the striker loses the lead.
5. If the striker miss his adversary's ball, and forces his own over the table, &c, he loses one point and the lead.
6. If the striker hole his own ball, he wins two ; and if he hole both balls, he wins four points.
7. If the striker hole either of the balls, and forces the other over the table, &c, he loses the lead only. |