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can make a good move elsewhere, and take the piece at leisure.
38.  It is not always right to take your adver­sary's pawn with your king, for very often it hap­pens to be a safeguard and protection to him.— Place a black rook on 5, with a pawn on 45, and the white king on 53, and lie will be sheltered by the black pawn from the attack of the rook,
39.  When you can take a man with different pieces, consider thoroughly with which you had best take it.
1.  A single pawn cannot win if the adversary's king be opposed to it; as, put the white king on 30, with a pawn on 22, and the black king on 14, either side having the move, it must be a drawn game, or black wins by a stale-male; but if its own king be placed before it, then the pawn may win ; as, reverse the situations of the kings by put­ting white on 14, and black on 30 ; black cannot hinder the white pawn from making a queen.
2.  Two pawns against one must win in most cases ; but the player possessing the two should avoid exchanging one of them for his adversary's pawn.
3.  A. pawn with any piece, must win in every case, except with a bishop, when the pawn is on a rook's file, and the bishop does not command the square where the pawn must go to queen ; as, the white king on 39, with a bishop on 30, and a pawn on 24 ; and the black king on 6 ; black can prevent the pawn from pushing on to queen, which could not be prevented if the white bishop were on 29-
4.  Two knights, without any other man, cannot give check-mate.
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