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344 CHESS. |
3. If by mistake, or otherwise, you make a false move, the opponent can oblige you to move the king (as in the 2d article) ; but if he play without noticing the false move, neither of you can afterwards recal it.
4. If you misplace your men, and play two moves, it lies in your adversary's power whether he will permit you to begin the game afresh.
5. When the adversary gives check without warning, you are not obliged to notice it until he does; but if on his next move he should warn you, each party must then retract his last move, and the king be removed oif check.
6. Should the opponent warn you of a check without really giving it, and you have even moved your king, or any other man, you are in such case allowed to retract before the opponent has completed his next move.
7. You are not to give check to your adversary's king by any piece, which by so moving would discover check on your king.*
5. After your king or the rook has moved, you cannot castle; and if you attempt it, the adversary may insist that you move either the king or rook.
9. Every fresh game, the players have the first move alternately; but when the advantage of a piece or pawn is given, the player giving that advantage is entitled to the first move. |
* Place the white king on 53, the queen on 19, the black king on 22, with a knight on 21: black must not check the white king by moving the knight to 36; as by that, the black king would be on check to the white queen. |