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358                            CHESS.
W. The knight at the black king's third square.
30  B. The knight takes the knight. W. The pawn retakes the knight.
31  B. The rook at his king's bishop's third square. W. The king's rook at its queen's square.
32  B. The rook takes the pawn.
W. The king's rook at the black queen's second square, and must win the game.*
Beginning at the third move.
3  B. The queen's pawn two steps.
W. The king's bishop's pawn two steps.
4  B. The queen's pawn takes the pawn.f
W. The king's bishop's pawn retakes the pawn.
B. The king's knight at the white king's knight's
fourth square. W. The queen's pawn one step.
6  B. The king's bishop's pawn two steps.
W. The king's bishop at his queen's bishop's fourth square.
B. The queen's bishop's pawn two steps. W. The queen's bishop's pawn one step.
8  B. The queen's knight at her bishop's third
square. W. The king's knight at his king's second square.
* Any thing he could have played could not prevent you from doubling your rooks, unless he had sacrificed his bishop, or let you make a queen with your pawn; therefore he loses the game every way.
f If he had taken your king's bishop's pawn instead of this, you must have pushed your king's pawn upon his knight, and afterward! retaken his pawn with your queen's bishop.
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