Hoyle's Games, Improved And Enlarged - online book

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DRAUGHTS.                        401
1.  The first move of every game must be taken alternately by each player, whether the last be won or drawn.
2.  Pointing over the board, or using any action to interrupt the adversary in having a full view of the men, is not to be allowed.
3.  The men may be properly arranged in any part of the game ; and after they are so placed, whichever player touches a man, must play him somewhere; but if the man have been so moved as to be visibly over the angle separating the squares the party is playing from and to, that move must be completed.
4.  In case of standing the huff, it is optional with the opponent either to take the man, or in­sist that the antagonist take his, so omitted by the huff.
5.  If either party, when it is his turn to move, hesitate above three minutes, the other may call upon him to play; and if, after that, he delay above five minutes longer, then he loses the game.
6.  During a game, neither party must quit the room without the other's consent, and a third per­son should decide the time to be allowed for his absence; and if thought necessary, accompany him
7.  When the draws are given to an inferior player, the game must be played to a more ad­vanced state than as exemplified in this book ; and when the situations become so equal that no advantage can be gained, then he who gives the draws, shall either force the other out of his strong position, or be adjudged to have lost the game.
N. B. In playing the losing game, either player can insist upon his opponent taking all the men he has to lose.
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