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16. A game must be played out, or it is lost for him who leaves off without the consent of his adversary.
17. On playing for money, the money must be staked every game; the same rule applies to bets.
18. If when money is played for, a looker on should give even indirectly advice to one of the players which should decide the game, then for his indiscretion he ought to pay the amount of the stakes and the bets lost in consequence. However, whether in playing for money or not, lookers on ought to observe the strictest silence ; should any dispute arise, it must be referred to such of the spectators who have not betted on the result, and their decision ought to be final.
19. When a player gives an advantage, both players must play three or four games, or the number in ratio to the advantage given, and in giving the revenge an equal number must be played. |
When one of the players is reduced to one queen and the other to three, there is no forced coup by which the latter can win. Between equal players the game will therefore be a drawn one; but between two unequal players the result is different, for though there is no forced coup by which the three may win, there are several into which his adversary may fall, if unacquainted with them. We shall, therefore, point out the coups and positions he ought to avoid. We have already stated that the number of coups to be played in this case are twenty; it is, therefore, necessary to avoid the ambuscades which may
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