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ARCHERY.                          439
the title of captain, the second of lieutenant of the target; the greatest number of hits gives the title of captain, and the second lieutenant of the numbers.
The modern target distance is one hundred yards, anciently it was much greater; in 1583 it was seven score and eight yards. At the Finsbury yearly meeting, the first trial used to be at a dis­tance of eleven score yards. And at every two or three trials it was reduced ten yards, until it reached eight score. The size of the target ought of course to vary in ratio to the distance ; at sixty yards its dimensions should be two feet; at eighty yards, three feet; and at one hundred yards, four feet in diameter.
The Finsburv rule allowed an arrow to reckon in that ring broken or depressed near the centre ; but in the toxopholite ground, an arrow when it divides two colours, reckons in the colour farthest from the centre. If in measuring a shoot, the difference is so small, that it cannot be decided, the competitor who wins the next best shot is the victor.
If your arrow breaks, you may measure from the nearest end that has wood and head, or wood and feather.
If you have any mishap, as in nocking, &c, if you can reach your arrow with your bow, you may shoot again.
Arrows are weighed by troy weight, three ar­rows make a pair. The mean length of the mo­dern bow is five feet nine inches, that of the shaft twenty-nine to twenty-seven inches. The follow­ing is the scale of weight of arrows according to distance:—
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