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tion of a horse is objected to after the race is over, the person making the objection must prove the disqualification.
Where two horses run a dead heat, and the parties agree to divide the plate or stakes equally, all bets between those two horses, and between either of them and the field, must be settled by the money betted being put together, and divided be­tween the parties in the same proportion as the stakes shall have been divided. If a bet be made on one of the horses that ran the dead heat against a horse that was beaten in the race, he who backed the horse that ran the dead heat wins half his bet. If the dead heat be the first event of a double bet, the bet shall be void.
No person can run in his own name, or in the name of any other person, two horses of which he is wholly, or in part the owner, for any plate. Doubts having arisen as to the true definition of the word "plate," the stewards of the Jockey Club have decided that where a sum of money is given to be run for, without any stake being made by the owners of the horses (entrance money not being considered as stake), such prize shall be construed to be a plate ; but when a stake is depo­sited by the owners of the horses, which is to go to the winner, and an additional sum of money, piece of plate, or other reward is offered as a prize to the winner, even though such additions shall be denominated a plate by the donor, such race shall be deemed and taken to be a sweepstake, and not a plate.
All disputes arising elsewhere than at New­market, which may be referred to the stewards of the Jockey Club, must relate to horse-racing ; the facts must be reduced into writing, and be sent by or with the sanction of the stewards of the races,
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