Ideal Home Life - online book

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A RE you making the best use of your home porch this summer ? To us who live piled up on top of each other in flats the porch is the only regular access to outdoors. Yet some of us cliff-dwellers consecrate our postern gate, the back porch, to no better use than as a repository for the broom and oil can. So distinguished a personage as the librarian of Clark University asserts that the play-porch is as important and use­ful a feature of domestic architecture as the sleeping-porch. Not only is the porch oftentimes the coolest part of the dwell­ing, but by a bamboo curtain it may be made as private as any.
It does not require expensive or extensive furnishing. Of course, a hanging porch couch is a luxury, but it takes up room. A little swing is fully as pleasant to a little child. A slide is better, if a porch be on the ground floor. It acts as a substitute for the dear old cellar door. There is an adjustable one that the kindergarten houses sell, which father can make just as well, 91/2 feet long and 41/2 feet high at the top.
"We are so lucky at our house," a little girl told Joseph Lee. "You see, we have two barrels.,, A barrel is really a de­lightful plaything. You can ride it—or try to, and you can roll down inside it. It is almost as animated as a horse. An­other simple thing that gives vent to this instinct for pre­carious footing is a humble 2x4. Fasten it to the floor of the porch, and the little children will toddle along it infinitely and learn balancing and body control. Large oblong blocks ar­ranged in irregular pathways are even more beguiling.
Dry-goods boxes are staples for the porch playground. A nest of different sizes will build into a staircase for climbing. The biggest is just the material out of which to build the play­house. It is much better than one you could buy for $75 all
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