Ideal Home Life - online book

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Baseball Buzz
T HIS is the old game of buzz, played in imitation of base­ball. In buzz, a number is selected, which, with its multiple, is not to be repeated as a company of players count in turn the numbers from 1 up, but instead of which "buzz" is to be said. If 4 be the number, the players, seated in a circle, will say: "1, 2, 3, buzz, 5, 6, 7, buzz," etc. In this game, the players, who may be eighteen or less, are on two even sides. The chairs, for one side, are arranged in relative position, like the diamond of a ball field. The other side is seated in a row in a position corresponding to the batters' bench. The man at the bat goes and stands at the "plate." The numbers are now repeated in turn down the bench* and around the bases and field, the "buzz" number being selected for each inning by the side at bat. If one of the sides in the field makes an error, the batter takes the next base until he has made a run, which is scored. Then another batter takes his place. If the batting side makes an error, the batter is out, and when three are out the sides exchange places.
Tongue Twisters
A very interesting as well as successful exercise for gain­ing flexibility of utterance is the so-called "tongue twister." The following are good examples:
He built an icehouse near his own nice house. Eight great, gray geese were gazing gayly into Greece. Some sell sea-shells. Does she sell sea-shells? He sawed six long, slim, sleek, slender saplings. I found baths, cloths, laths, moths, sheaths, and wreaths. Hugo's heroic act aided Hiram's helplessness. How horribly Herbert hurt his head at honest Henry's house!
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