Ideal Home Life - online book

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40                          WEAL HOME LIFE
of a fish, the King runs round the ring, calling them by the names which they have selected.
Each one, on hearing his name called, rises at once, and follows the King, who, when all his subjects have left their seats, calls out, " The sea is troubled," and seats himself sudden­ly. His example is immediately followed by his subjects. The one who fails to obtain a seat has then to take the place of King, and the game is continued.
" I Apprenticed my Son"
The best way of describing this game is to give an illustration of how it is played. The first player thinks of "Artichoke," and commences. " I apprenticed my son to a greengrocer, and the first thing he sold was an A."
2nd player: "Apple?"—"No."
3rd player: "Almonds?"—"No."
4th player: "Asparagus?"—"No."
5th player: "Artichoke?"—"Yes." The last player, having guessed correctly, may now ap­prentice his son. No player is allowed more than one guess.
The Dwarf
This is a most amusing game if well carried out. The two performers must be hidden behind two curtains in front of which a table has been placed.
One of the performers slips his hands into a child's socks and little shoes. He must then disguise his face, by putting on a false moustache, parting his eyebrows, sticking pieces of black court plaster over one or two of his teeth, which will make it appear as though he has lost several teeth. This, with a turban on his head, will prove a very fair disguise. The second per­former must now stand behind the first and pass his arms round him, so that the second performer's hands may appear like the hands of the dwarf, whilst the first performer's hands make his feet. The figure must, of course, be carefully dressed, and the body of the second performer hidden behind the curtains.
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