Ideal Home Life - online book

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66                            IDEAL HOME LIFE
then suddenly one side tries to pull the other forward, so as to force one of their number to touch the hassock, and to upset it. The struggle that necessarily ensues is a source of great fun, causing even more merriment to spectators than to the players themselves. At last, in spite of the utmost dexterity, down goes the hassock or cushion, whichever it may be. Some one's foot is sure to touch it before very long, when the unfortunate individual is dismissed from the circle, and compelled to pay a forfeit.
Hands Up, or Up Jenkins
The company seat themselves around a table, the opposite sides being opponents. Each side chooses a captain. The captain on one side conceals a piece of money (a silver quarter is best) in one hand. Holding up both hands, he asks the othef side which of the hands it is in. If the other side guess aright the quarter is passed over, and they begin the game as follows: All the hands of that side are hidden under the table while the quarter is given to one of the number. The captain on the other side calls, " Hands up!" or, " Up, Jenkins!" Immediately the closed hands of all the party are held high, arms being verti­cal. They are held in this position while the opposing party view them. The captain then calls, " Down, Jenkins!" Every hand comes down flat on the table with open palms. The opposing party then try to locate the quarter, the side assisting their captain to guess. If the guess is right the quarter is passed over to the other side, but if the guess is wrong all the hands that are on the table are counted and noted for a score, and the quarter is retained. The same thing is gone over again until the money is located and passed over. The side trying to gain the quarter can, instead of locating it immediately, request certain ones to take off their hands, which makes fewer counts against them in case of failure to locate. But if they require certain hands to remove, and the money is under them, the hands remaining are counted against them, and the quarter is still retained until the other side locates it correctiy. The side hav­ing the largest score, of course, wins the game.
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