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Where was paper currency spoken of first in the Bible? Where the dove left the ark and brought a green back.
How many wives is a man lawfully entitled to by the English Prayer-book? Sixteen: Four richer, four poorer, four better, four worse.
Why was the giant Goliath very much astonished when David hit him with a stone? Because such a thing had never entered his head before.
What became of Lot when his wife was turned into a pillar of salt? He took a fresh one.
What is the center of gravity ? The letter V.
What three letters turn a girl into a woman ? A-g-e.
Although great wealth is said to harden the heart, what is every millionaire sure to be? A capital fellow.
Wrhat belongs to yourself, and is used by your friends more than by yourself? Your name.
When is a soldier like an old toper ? When he re-treats.
WThy is a policeman like a rainbow? Because he rarely appears until the storm is over.
What is the difference between a milkmaid and a swallow? The milkmaid skims the milk, the swallow skims the water.
Why is a man's face shaved in January like a celebrated fur ? Because it's a chin-chilly.
What is that which was born without a soul, lived and got a soul, but died without a soul? The whale that swallowed Jonah. |