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Sprite.—Yes, your Majesty, for we have found a little boy who is just as thoughtless and unkind to the dumb creatures round him as the little maid you told us of was kind. He is not really sl cruel boy, but he does not always think.
F. Queen.—Then he must be taught a lesson at once. Fairy subjects, fly to this little boy's home and take away from him all these creatures he treats so badly.
Fairies.—We go.
(Exeunt all but Fairy Queen, Puck, Sprite, and Tricksy.)
F. Queen.—Now, Puck and Tricksy, I need you to help me weave my spells; but Sprite must away and whisper in this little boy's ear as he sleeps.
(Curtain falls.)
SCENE II Interior of Cottage
(Empty cage in window. Table laid for breakfast—bread and water. Jack's Mother is busy sweeping. Enter Jack.)
Jack.—Oh, dear! I am so tired. (Yawns, and stretches himself.)
Mother.—Tired? Why, you've only just got up, you lazy boy. I've been downstairs a couple of hours or more, and I think a great boy like you might get up and help your Mother a bit, instead of lying in bed sleeping. But there, you always were a thoughtless boy, Jack.
Jack.—Oh! please, Mother, don't scold me, for I feel wretched enough now. I've had such a terrible night, full of dreadful dreams. I thought a whole troop of little people were sitting on my pillow, pulling my hair and teasing me, and then crying out: "That's what you did to Towser! that's what you did to Muff!"
Mother.—Ah! you did tease those poor animals dreadfully. I don't wonder they ran away.
Jack.—Ran away! what do you mean?
Mother.—Mean? Why, what I say, of course. I haven't seen either of them this morning. I suppose you were teasing them last night and they've run away. |