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The Wheelbarrow Race
HE wheelbarrows are boys on their hands and knees. They arrange themselves in a row on the lawn, with another boy standing behind each one.
When the signal to start is given, the boy who is standing takes hold of the ankles of the one in front of him and lifts his knees from the ground, causing him to walk on his hands, at the same time pushing him forward.
The pair who first get past the winning-post win the race.
Bull in the Ring
A boy is chosen to be " bull." The remainder of the players join hands and dance round him. The bull folds his arms, rushes at the circle, and tries to break through. If successful, the other players attempt to catch him; if he is caught, the player who caught him is " bull" next time.
The Cat Tiggy
As soon as the players have agreed to play this game they cry: "The last perched is cat," at which every player tries to get a perch, that is, to get his feet off the ground. The players may stand on a piece of wood, sit on a gate, or, in fact, do anything so long as their feet are off the ground. The last perched is the cat.
The other players beckon to one another, changing places by signal, or going to new perches, and the cat has to touch them
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