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take hold of the end of the cane. The blind man then asks him to make the noise of some animal, say a dog, cat, cow, or horse. The one making this noise should try to disguise his voice as much as possible. The blind man tries to guess who makes the noise, and if right they exchange places. In either case the circling about goes on as before.
Players may disguise their height by bending the knees, standing on tip toe, or in other ways.
A Garden Obstacle Race
A garden obstacle race for children is really amusing, and makes an excellent impromptu entertainment.
A sufficiently exciting course may be made with the* help of the most ordinary accessories to be found in the house or garden in the space of half an hour, the course being laid out on the lawn, or any other wide space of turf, or in the corner of a field.
The difficulty of the various obstacles to be surmounted should vary, to a certain extent, according to the average age of the guests, though a small, lithe, active boy of seven or eight years will often beat competitors of ten or twelve years old.
Collect together a dozen long, iron meat skewers, a clothesline, or skipping-rope, a bundle of white tape, an old traveling-rug, an empty barrel with both ends knocked out and all protruding nails carefully removed or hammered flat, so that there are no sharp points sticking out anywhere, a long single ladder, a double ladder, if there happens to be one in the garden, a couple of big flower-pots, a long, narrow, springy plank, two big wooden hoops, a small roller-towel, a couple of walking-sticks, and a strong, four-legged table, besides a piece of wide white tape to act as starting-point and winning-post.
Have these accessories piled in the middle of the chosen course, and arrange them into obstacles, laid out in a large circle or oblong, from five to ten yards apart, in the following way:
1. Winding In and Out of a Double Ladder. The double ladder is laid on its side and opened for a couple of feet at |