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the far end of .the hall; the Seneschal with his parchment roll, takes his station at the king's left hand.
"Sentinel, bar the gates."
I slip outside, with a lingering look backward at the picturesque Castle Hall and King Arthur laying his commands on a loyal and enthusiastic court. It made an Old-world, chivalric picture—the red glow from the throne shining out over the quaint Jester, touching the earnest faces of the young Knights, glinting here and there on sword-sheath, helmet, lance, and strange heraldic device, on drooping banner and courtly robe. The gates closed behind me, shutting out the picture, but a rousing chorus of knightly song swept through and followed me as I went:
Then lift the heart and raise the song Qf manly voices fresh and strong; To knightly manhood pledged are we In life, in love, in loyalty,
Note.—If you want to know more about this interesting Society, which has also a branch for girls, called the Queens of Avalon, write to the Knights of King Arthur, Lebanon, N. H. |