Ideal Home Life - online book

A valuable and well-organized system for home education(homeschooling) 3 to 12 years.

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observance, but a well-considered plan of life that makes him desired and helpful here to-day.
Is not this what any father wishes his boy to be? Is not this the highest pinnacle of education and the best guarantee of success in life? I have little difficulty in making both father and son think so. And there is a new joy in the Woodcraft mode, for it dispels the idea of two camps, teacher and taught, always more or less hostile; for in Woodcraft both leader and led go together and learn together, for it breeds the spirit of good fellowship as no other plan of learning can do. One father wrote me after such an experience, "It has been the means of getting close to my boy and building a companion­ship that never existed before."
Note.—If you want to know more about the Woodcraft League, write to it at 13 West 29th Street, New York City.
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