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Hang a prism in the window to reflect whatever sunlight there is. Invite Harold to sit by the window with the toilet mirror and throw flashes of light across the room.
Make some symbolic sunshine. Wind up the phonograph for the liveliest dance-tune it holds. Start "Brighten the Corner Where You Are" or "Let a Little Sunshine In" as a family chorus at the breakfast table. Get out the brightest-colored picture-books, and send Marian around the corner for some red paper and gilt paint to play with.
This is simply doing what William James used to advise, "giving reasonable ideas a hearing." It is built upon the idea that not only do we laugh because we are glad, but we are glad because we insist on laughing. If you can once get everyone to laughing heartily, it will at once clear the air.
One mother used to hang out this sign on the mornings of disappointment or worry:
"The dog is in the pantry, The cat is in the lake, The cow is in the hammock— What difference does it make?"
This was taken as a signal by all who were true sports that mother was not to be left alone in making sunshine, and it was the immediate duty of each to start to play the game which consists in making everybody else laugh out loud.
Yes, you can change the household weather, fellow magician, if you try. Long before night the Forecaster will put out this bulletin: "Clearing weather, fresh breezes, and fair to-morrow." |