Ideal Home Life - online book

A valuable and well-organized system for home education(homeschooling) 3 to 12 years.

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2G2                           IDEAL HOME LIFE
What to Take to Camp
The following suggestions, for girls and for boys, are fur­nished by the Philadelphia Playgrounds Association:
What Each Girl Should Bring
1. 2. 3. 4.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Usual outdoor clothing.
Two pairs of full-size woolen blankets.
One pillow.
Two sheets.
One pillow-case.
Toilet articles, mirror.
Toilet soap.
One pair substantial shoes.
One pair rubbers.
Short skirt or bloomers.
One waterproof coat or cape.
One sweater or jacket.
Outing hat or cap.
Several middy blouses.
1.  Bathing suit.
2.  Tennis shoes.
3.  Tennis racket.
4.  Fishing tackle.
5.  Camera.
6.  Hammock.
7.  Book or magazine.
8.  Any musical instrument, with music.
9.  Sewing or fancy-work.
10. Any other things which may add to the interest or enjoyment
of the camp should be included. It is recommended that no jewelry be brought. (The popular and sensible camp costume is middy blouse and bloomers.)
What Each Boy Should Bring
1.  Two heavy blankets.
2.  A sweater or heavy coat.
1 An extra suit of old clothes for change in case you are caught
in the rain. i An old overcoat or raincoat.
5.  Shoes that have good soles, and a pair of rubbers.
6.  A comb and brush.
7.  A small mirror.
8.  A toothbrush.
9.  Towels and soap.
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