Ideal Home Life - online book

A valuable and well-organized system for home education(homeschooling) 3 to 12 years.

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376                          IDEAL HOME LIFE
the hand, the hoe, and the rake. Pull out the weeds, hoe around the plants, rake after hoeing.
If the season is exceptionally dry, water may be necessary for success in obtaining good growth. The hose, watering-can, or pails can be used. However, good culture from the begin­ning is the most important factor in maintaining the water supply.                                                     
Insects can be controlled somewhat by hand-picking. Diseases may be controlled by keeping the plants in a thrifty, continuously growing condition, by giving good culture, by watering, and by adding manure dissolved in water much diluted.
Here is one boy's actual experience, which he wrote out for his local Achievement Club, and entitled
How I Made My Garden
One day in winter, Mr. Tobin, the county superintendent of schools, came to our schoolhouse. It was awful cold that day. He told our teacher that he would like us to have a garden.
Mr. Shepard, our teacher, told us every day to try to have a garden. One day he said, "How many of you can have a garden ?" Twenty-nine of us said that we could have a garden. I was one of the twenty-nine.
In the spring, about the first or second week in April, my father plowed, harrowed, and planked the ground for me. He then took a hand drill and sowed parsley and onion seed for me. The name of the onion seed was "Prize Takers." He sowed one-half bushel of seed. He bought the seed from Peter Henderson. The name of the parsley seed was English parsley. He sowed one-fourth of a pound of parsley seed. He bought the seed from Peter Henderson.
My garden was planted as follows: 4 feet by 54 feet to asters, 7 feet by 350 feet to onions, 6 feet by 280 feet to parsley.
After the onions and parsley were large enough we weeded and cultivated them several times. I worked for my father most all summer, and when I had a little chance, I worked in
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