Ideal Home Life - online book

A valuable and well-organized system for home education(homeschooling) 3 to 12 years.

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416                           IDEAL HOME LIFE
talists were to look at this matter only from its economic stand­point, divesting it of its sentimental side if they chose, they would find that they would realize large returns for all invest­ments which they might make in country homes and vacations for their employees. An occasional change of scene, a brief respite from work, and an opportunity to develop acquaintance with the beautiful things in this beautiful world in which we happen to be staying for the present, is a tonic which I would like to prescribe for every tired worker in whatever field.
One of the most imperative requirements for health is sleep and an abundance of it. In some cases, and in certain condi­tions, it is more essential than food. We can learn useful les­sons in this direction from the animals. A sick cat or dog refuses food, goes into an out-of-the-way place, curls himself up, and sleeps perhaps twenty-four hours or more, and when he awakes it often happens that his sickness has disappeared.
Children with rapidly changing, ever-developing tissues, need many hours of sleep—ten or twelve daily. Those whose lives are active, with whom there is great muscular exertion every day, those who are worried and harassed with care or sorrow, those who are strained and weakened with pain, realize, more than others, the inestimable boon and blessing of sleep.
"Sleep, that knits up the ravel'd sleeve of care,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, Chief nourisher in life's feast."
It is often said that the antidote for physical fatigue is change of occupation, mental employment, or a change of men­tal employment furnishing occupation for another set of facul­ties while the tired ones are resting. This may be applicable to some people, but the writer has observed very few of them.
It is useless to improve upon this elixir of sleep, and it will usually be found an unprofitable undertaking to try and cheat nature out of her dues in this regard by any subterfuges or substitutes. Seven to nine hours of quiet sleep out of each twenty-four for adults in good physical condition will give good
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