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422                           IDEAL HOME LIFE
pling, that is, frequent drinking of alcohol in any form, merely for the sake of drinking, or for its so-called encouragement of sociability, is unnecessary, expensive, and ought to be discour-* aged. Every physician of experience knows that there are constantly recurring instances when the prompt use, or the continued use, of alcohol in a suitable form may save and pro­long life, but one does not usually resort to a liquor saloon to procure the alcohol for such purposes.
Much the same line of reasoning that has been used in regard to alcohol would also apply to tobacco, looking at it from the hygienic standpoint. Tobacco, however, is a narcotic, while alcohol is a stimulant; the former soothes or depresses, the latter stimulates. With many, especially those whose work keeps them out of doors most of the time, tobacco seems to have no bad influence, and they may even smoke the rankest and vilest of pipes, and the coarsest and strongest tobacco, with­out apparent harm, and with very decided manifestations of en­joyment. The effect of tobacco as a poison is to weaken the heart action. Collapse attends its poisonous effect, with nausea and purging. Who that has had a struggle in trying to master its discomforts does not remember the gruesome feelings, the unhappiness, and the resolve to let it alone in the future which have accompanied the undertaking; and how many are there who have not courageously renewed the attack, forgetful alike of past suffering and good resolutions, until the enemy was conquered ?
It is difficult to define moderation in the use of tobacco. The term is wholly a relative one, depending upon the physical condition of the individual, his occupation, the quality of the tobacco, etc. The use of cigarettes in such excessive quanti­ties as obtains with foolish persons, and especially with the young and immature, is reprehensible. The evil effects of such habits, and the immoderate use of many good things, upon many young men, are too obvious to call for any argument or any possible consideration in their favor. On the other hand, a cigarette of honest tobacco, untampered with by reckless manipulators, is lighter and safer to smoke than the average cigar, and also has advantages over the pipe.
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