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acquire the erect carriage shown in Figure B, you will find the functions of the body rapidly toning up. Carrying yourself thus, you will discover that deep, full respiration is natural and easy.
Breath is life, and one cannot sacrifice too much time and care to remedying any defects in the manner of breathing. A few weeks' attention to this matter will fix the proper habit upon you, and you will involuntarily walk and breathe properly.
The system of exercises presented in the following lessons is reduced to the most scientific degree of brevity. The idea in mind was to present the fewest movements possible to achieve complete and harmonious muscular development. No part of the muscular anatomy has been neglected, and the pupil who masters the lessons thoroughly, and takes the exercises regularly, according to instructions, will not only experience benefit in improved health and physical power, but will acquire a perfection of form not to be acquired by any other method.
The instructions as to diet, bathing, etc., given at the beginning of the preceding system, should be followed faithfully in connection with these dumb-bell exercises.
A word of caution is needed as to the weight of the bells used, before we proceed. Do not go in for very heavy bells. More harm than good follows the persistent use of very heavy bells. For a healthy man, of fair physical powers, a pair of five or six pound bells will be found heavy enough. Avoid any that are heavier.
For the weak, and for women and children, bells of two or three pounds each are the most appropriate.
For the benefit of such persons as may desire to pay particular attention to the development of a certain part of the body, we give here an index of the parts the exercises used in this system are designed to develop, separating them into groups, so that the pupil, if he desires, may practice those movements which will most quickly develop the deficient part: