Ideal Home Life - online book

A valuable and well-organized system for home education(homeschooling) 3 to 12 years.

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circulation, to increase her suppleness, and add grace and charm to her personality, while contributing to her general health, the following system of simple exercises is presented. They are such as any woman can easily perform without more than a few moments' study of the illustrations and accompanying di­rections. They will suffice to stimulate all parts of the muscu­lar organization, and, if followed faithfully, in a very short time will assuredly produce astonishing results in improved appearance as well as in improved health.
It is necessary to understand a few general principles be­fore beginning the exercises,- and it is vastly important that any woman who takes up any system of exercises should firmly fix her mind on the object to be achieved. Determine to do what you attempt for a definite purpose. Keep this idea always in view, and when exercising make the movements with a will be­hind them. Do not exercise with the idea dominant that you are merely following the movements suggested by some one else. Keep the thought of accomplishing something always in mind. This is of the utmost importance, and if paid heed to, the pupil will be amply repaid in the quick results obtained.
Some attention should be given to the matter of hygienic clothing. You should not habitually squeeze any set of mus­cles entirely out of shape by any form of tight lacing, making it impossible for the normal blood supply to reach them, and then expect to remedy defects by exercise. If stays are worn they should be made to conform to the figure; no undue con­striction should be applied, and they should not be worn at home, or at any time when comfort can be considered before appearance. When in the house a costume that is freely loose and permits the circulation of the air to all parts of the skin should be worn.
The employment of ordinary intelligence in the matter of eating is also necessary. No body habitually poisoned by a heterogeneous collection of candies, pastries, pickles, etc., can, by any method of physical culture, be made strong and beauti­ful. A woman's body has the same sort of tissue cells as a man's. These cells demand the same sort of nutrition, and this must be supplied in the blood, through the food which is
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