Ideal Home Life - online book

A valuable and well-organized system for home education(homeschooling) 3 to 12 years.

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T HE purpose of these sixty-one Reading Journeys is to help you find your way through every volume and sec­tion of The Treasury.
Too often a child will pick up a volume which has an attractive title, or in which he finds an interesting story, not realizing that, if he were guided, he might discover plenty of other stories or articles in other volumes that he would enjoy even more. These Journeys encourage you to use the whole Treasury.
Sometimes you become so much attracted to a given sub­ject that you would like to read steadily about it. These lists show you how you can pursue such a theme for weeks, and even months.
The Journeys will also help you find your favorite fields of reading.
Finally, these' lists are graded. The first eleven courses are for children of say three to six, whose mothers read to them. Journeys XII to XXXIV will be found most interesting by boys and girls of from five or six to nine or ten. The later Journeys are especially for older young people.
Many great men and women of the past, who made the most of what was within their reach, never had such extensive and useful opportunities for self-improvement as are outlined for you in these mental travels into the Realms of Gold.
Parents will find these Journeys most suggestive in advis­ing their children and young people in the use of The Treas­ury. The General Index at the end of Volume XII and the courses of reading based on the main human virtues in "The Mother's Book" will also be found useful for a similar purpose.
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