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"Rollicking" is the word to apply to many of these tales of harmless mischief, good-fellowship and lively imagination.
Half of them are in prose and half of them are in sprightly verses.
Vol. Page
1. Dolly Dimple ........................... I 502
2. The Black Snail with a White Heart...... Ill 257
3. The Saucy Sea Horse ................... Ill 259
4. The Priest and the Mulberry Tree........ Ill 260
5. Mending the Clock ...................... Ill 262
6. Granny .................................. Ill 271
7. The Doll that Was Rich ................. Ill 281
8. Hinks, Silent Partner ................... Ill 289
9. Fellow Passengers ....................... Ill 292
10. Boum-Boum—A Tale ................... Ill 315
11. The Story of the Rabbit and the Hippo-
potamus ............................. IV 532
12. The Brahman, the Tiger, and the Six
Judges ............................... IV 533
13. The Story of a Tailor ................. IV 536
14. A Witty Hindu Tradition ................ VI 101
15. The One-Hoss Shay..................... XI 251
16. The Baker's Tale ....................... XI 328
17. The Modern Hiawatha .................. XI 330
18. The Jumblies ........................... XI 331
19. Nocturnal Sketch ........................ XI 334
20. Father William......................... XI 337
21. Little Billee ............................ XI 339
22. Captain Reece .......................... XI 340
23. Sorrows of Werther..................... XI 343
24. The Purple Cow......................... XI 344
25. The Invisible Bridge .................... XI 344
26. The Lazy Roof ......................... XI 345
27. My Feet ................................ XI 345
28. The Hen ............................... XI 345
29. The Cow ............................... XI 346
30. The Chimpanzee......................... XI 346
31. Some Geese ............................. XI 346
32. Faithless Nelly Gray .................... XI 347
33. The Elderly Gentleman ........4......... XI 349
34. In the Night ............................ XI 351 |