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Vol. Page
1. The Boyhood of George Washington___ VII 3
2. The Boyhood of Benjamin Franklin ..... VII 8
3. The Girlhood of Queen Victoria......... VII 13
4. The Boyhood of Abraham Lincoln....... VII 16
5. The Cherry Festival of Naumburg....... VII 34
6. The Boy Who Braved the Duke ......... VII 37
7. The Story of Abraham Lincoln ......... VII 89
8. The Story of Benjamin Franklin ........ VII 105
9. An Inventor's Boyhood .................. IX 17
10. The Boy Who Was Helped ............. IX 20
11. The Boyhood of a Discoverer ............ IX 23
12. Hans Christian Andersen ............... IX 33
13. Sir Walter Scott's "Pet Marjorie"....... IX 123
14. Raphael ................................. IX 247
15. Michael Angelo ......................... IX 263
16. Velasquez ............................... IX 268
17. Sir John Everett Millais ................. IX 305
18. Jean-Frangois Millet .................... IX 312
19. Swift—and Stella ....................... IX 342
20. Thomas Carlyle ......................... IX 354
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Have animals a sense of humor? It is a question oft discussed. Anybody who has watched wild rabbits at play,
diving ducks, baby hedgehogs or monkeys in a cage, has little doubt on the subject. These are stories, based on fact, of the funny ways of the little creatures.
Vol. Page
1. The Little Bull-Calf and the Poppy....... IV 268
2. Miss Tabbycat's Adventures ............. IV 271
3. Sally.................................... IV 275
4. The Collie's Story ..................... IV 280
^ 5. Muffles .................................. IV 282
6. Brother Rabbit's Cradle................... 1 V 307
7. Reynard the Fox ....................... IV 420
8. Black Beauty ........................... IV 479
9. The Blood Horse ...................... XI 179
10. The Arab to His Favorite Steed......... XI 191
11. Cruelty to Animals ..................... XI 193
12. A Night with a Wolf ................... XI 264 |