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Vol. Page
19. Gull Monument, Salt Lake City ..................... IX 416
20. Pleasant Pictures of Child Life—I................... X 32
21. A Children's Party ........'......................... X 48
22. Pleasant Pictures of Child Life—II.................. X 64
23. Snow Games ....................................... X 136
24. Pets ................................................ X 212
25. Physical Exercises for Boys and Girls—I............ X 444
26. Physical Exercises for Boys and Girls—II........... X 446
27. Physical Exercises for Boys and Girls—III.......... X 448
28. Physical Exercises for Boys and Girls—IV.......... X 452
29. Home Study ........................................ X 520
30. Roman Girl at a Fountain........ XII Frontispiece; XII 281
31. The Madonna of the Chair .......................... XII 252
32. The Guardian Angel ................................ XII 256
33. The Broken Pitcher ................................ XII 268
34. The Horse Fair..................................... XII 272
35. Finding Christ in the Temple ........................ XII 280
36. Joan of Arc......................................... XII 284
37. Abraham Lincoln ................................... XII 287
Nearly thirty interesting stories of the way some of the great useful forces and agencies of the universe were harnessed for the service of man.
Vot. Page
1. From Forked Stick to Automobile .......VIII 101
2. Early Transportation in Our Western
Country .........................*.....VIII 107
3. How the Panama Canal Was Made......VIII 164
4. Automobiles .............................VIII 169
5. How Electricity Was Harnessed.........VIII 177
6. Description of a Dynamo................VIII 190
7. The Telegraph ..........................VIII 207
8. The Telephone ..........................VIII 213
9. Signaling Across Land and Sea..........VIII 221
10. The Wireless Telegraph .................VIII 229
11. The Wireless Telephone .................VIII 235
12. How Man Made Heat to Work..........VIII 243
13. Liquid Air ..............................VIII 272
14. The Electric Light .....................VIII 283
15. Petroleum and Its Many Uses............VIII 288 |