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will be more likely to ask about and of whom they will wish to know ?" These are the answers :
Vol. Page
. 1. The Blind Led by the Dying ........................ VII 419
2. How Carey Held the Gap .......................... VII 423
3. The Schoolmaster Who Became the World's Spokes-
man ............................................. VII 427
4. The Prayer.......................................... VII 433
5. The King Who Lost His Country But Not His Soul... VII 435
6. The Little Welshman Who Became Leader of an
Empire.......................................... VII 441
7. Always Fit .......................................... VII 448
8. The Soldier Who Knew No Defeat .................. VII 461
9. The Soldier Who Earned Every Promotion .......... VII 464
10. Why Our Navy Went '"Dry" ........................ VII 468
11. The Engineer Who Became a Food .General .......... VII 472
12. Hamilton Wright Mabie............................. IX 95
13. Edward Everett Hale............................... IX 100
14. Luther Burbank, the Flower Magician ............... IX 139
15. Paderewski .......................................... IX 242
16. William E. Henley.................................. IX 391
17. Burns of the Mountains ............................. IX 481
%3* V?* ^7*
This is really a "Reading Journey," and a journey, too, through the most wonderful country in the world. A few cities, a few great scenes, a few marvelous regions in The Land of the Free.
Vol. Page
1. Odds and Ends in Mexico ----........... VI 315
2. Glimpses of Canada's Wonderland ....... VI 343
3. New York, the World's Capital .......... VI 393
4. Chicago................................. VI 400
5: Boston, "The Hub"...................... VI 404
6. The Charm of Washington .............. VI 408
7. Dear Old Quebec........................ VI 414
8. A Visit to Independence Hall ............ VI 483
9. Niagara Falls............................ VI 487
10. The Yosemite Valley .................... VI 491
11. The West at Home...................... VI 498
12. Life in a Lumber Camp..................VIII 538 |