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Vol. Page
28. Song: On May Morning................. XI 471
29. Mignon's Song .......................... XI 491
30. A Musical Instrument ................... XI 493
31. The Solitary Reaper .................... XI 495
32. Parting of Hector and Andromache...... XI 496
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"Read how others strove, Till we are stouter; What they renounced, Till we are less afraid, . . . Brave names of men And celestial women Passed out of record Into renown."
Vol. Pack
1. The Knights of Chivalry ................ VII 46
2. The First Crusaders ..................... VII 51
3. The Pilgrim Fathers .................... VII 65
4. The Puritans and the Indians ............ VII 81
5. The Story of Patrick Henry ............ VII 114
6. The Story of John Paul Jones ........... VII 129
7. Daniel Boone, a Fighter of Indians....... VII 136
8. The Story of Sam Houston ............. VII 145
9. The Story of Andrew Jackson ........... VII 163
10. The Story of Ulysses S. Grant........... VII 181
11. Richard the Lion-Hearted................ VII 193
12. Seven National Heroes .................. VII 206
13. William Wallace........................ VII 212
14. Robert the Bruce ........................ VII 218
15. Sir Walter Raleigh ...................... VII 235
16. Oliver Cromwell ........................ VII 307
17. Drake of Devon......................... VII 311
18. Nelson of the Nile ...................... VII 320
19. Though, It May Be, Above the Plot...... VII 330
20. The Sinking of the •'Albemarle" ......... VII 343
21. The "Monitor's" Great Fight ............ VII 353
22. The High Tide at Gettysburg............ VII 364
23. The Adventures of Jacques Cartier ...... VII 369
24. The- Order of a Good Time ............. VII 380
25. The Thermopylae of Canada............. VII 389 |