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Vol. "Page
26. Wolfe and Montcalm ................................ VII 391
27. The Story of Laura Secord.......................... VII 400
28. Great Days in Scientific Discovery ................... IX 157
29. William and Caroline Herschel ...................... IX 167
30. Charles Darwin ..................................... IX 178
31. Michael Faraday .................................... IX 185
32. Thomas Carlyle..................................... IX 360
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Here is a big, full section devoted to Patriotism. Here are some patriotic achievements, some splendid sentiments and a number of the best songs of devotion to motherland.
Vol. Page
1. Oh Say! Does It Wave?............................. Ill 311
2. The Despatch Bearer............................... Ill 479
3. A Boy Hero ........................................ Ill 485
4. The Young Hero of Haarlem........................ Ill 497
5. The Last Class ...................................... Ill 511
6. Magna Charta....................................... VII 479
7. The Declaration of Independence .................... VII 486
8. The Magna Charta of Canada ....................... VII 491
9. How Great Britain is Governed ...................... VII 493
10. How Canada is Governed ........................... VII 499
11. How the United States is Governed.................. VII 507
12. The Monroe Doctrine ................................ VII 519
13. The Gettysburg Address of Abraham Lincoln ........ VII 521
14. The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy...... VII 522
15. The New Citizen .................................... VII 525
16. Makers of the Flag ................................. VII 527
17. The Republic Will Endure .......................... VII 529
18.* Your Uniform ...................................... VII 531
19. You are the Hope of the World! .................... IX 581
20. O Captain! My Captain!............................ XI 197
21. The Death of Napoleon ............................. XI 203
22. Arnold von Winkelried .............................. XI 258
23. The Republic ....................•.................. XI 283
24. America............................................ XI. 284
25. The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers ................. XI 285
26. The American Flag ................................. XI 286
27. The Star-Spangled Banner .......................... XI 288
28. What Constitutes a State............................ XI 290 |