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Vol. Page
19. Other Followers of Rubens .............. XII 389
20. Rembrandt .............................. XII 392
21. Velasquez .............................. XII 403
22. Murillo ................................ XII • 409
23. The Barbizon Painters.................. XII 421
24. Jean Francois Millet .................... XII 427
25. The Impressionists ...................... XII 434
26. Sir Joshua Reynolds..................... XII 439
27. Gainsborough ........................... XII 447
28. Constable ............................... XII 452
29. The Pre-Raphaelites ..................... XII 462
30. George Inness ........................... XII 469
31. John W. Alexander ..................... XII 472
32. Three Charming American Artists........ XII 476
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Once there were "the Seven Wonders of the World." Today there are surely seventy. Ask yourself which of these you would most like to see or know about; then look down
the following list and see if most of them are not described for you.
Vol. page
1. Man's Early Dreams.....................VIII 61
2. Why Ice Floats .........................VIII 81
3. The Treasures of the Snow..............VIII 84
4. Why the Tides Rise and Fall ............VIII 96
5. Platinum, the Noblest Metal ............VIII 329
6. Tungsten, a Wizard Metal ...............VIII 332
7. Our Own Family of Stars ...............VIII 385
8. The Constellations and Their Stories.....VIII 404
9. Comets .................................VIII 416
10. How Plants Eat and Drink .............VIII 431
11. How Plants Work ......................VIII 438
12. How Plants Sleep .......................VIII 442
13. How Plants are Protected ...............VIII 445
14. The Different Parts of a Flower.........VIII 448
15. The Wind and the Flowers ..............VIII 453
16. How the Plant Babies Are Sent Out.....VIII 458
17. Robber Plants ...........................VIII 464
18. Some Curious Trees .....................VIII 533
19. The Sea ................................ XI 145
2Q. The Primeval Forest.................... XI 148 |