Traditional Indoor And Outdoor Games - online book

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148 The Book of Indoor and Outdoor Games
after it. Thus, if a ten, jack, queen, king, ace and two-spot lay upon the board and you hold the ten, you could take them all. If two cards of the same kind lie on the board, you cannot, however, take them both up at once with a match card.
At the end of the deal of the whole pack, cards count to the person or side having the greatest number as many points as the difference between that and the next lower. On the last hand, the person taking the last trick takes the cards remaining on the board.
The really interesting feature of the game is " porrazo." If you can match the card just laid down and left on the board it is "porrazo," and counts you just what a "randa" of those same cards would count—spots one, jacks two, etc. But if the person next to you holds the same card, he announces "contra porrazo" and carries off the cards (with any sequence that may accrue), and is credited with what a "randine" would give him. A "contra porrazo " of kings, for example, is twelve points. If a fourth player chances to hold the same card—which happens only at intervals—it is called "San Beinto," and wins the game, irrespective of what the score may be. A sweep or clearing of the board is called a "limpia," and gives the person that makes it whatever a "randa" would be on the last card taken up in the sequence. Thus, if there were a ten, jack and queen on the board and you played a ten and cleared the board, you would get three points, but if there were, in addition, the king, one and two, you would get only one, for that is all a "randa" of two's would give you. You must take up the card that matches the one you play and all in sequence, whether you wish to or not, excepting when you play for "in place." Then it is optional whether
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