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Card Games 157
another suit. A stop-card must always follow another play of the one who holds it.
Whoever first disposes of all his cards wins that hand, and all the players in turn must pay him as many counters as they have cards left in their hands.
The excitement and interest of the game are further enhanced in that, every time any one plays a duplicate card to those exposed in the middle of the table, the counters upon those cards become forfeit to the player of the corresponding cards.
If, however, at the close of the hand or round, the counters still remain "dressing" the central cards, the players who have the corresponding cards in their hands have to add to the store of counters upon them a number equal to those already there.
The same suit may not be led twice consecutively. A forfeit of one counter must be paid to each player by any one breaking this rule. Players who become bankrupt may borrow from their neighbours or from a pool. The one who at the close of the game can show the most counters is the victor.
A time-limit alone determines the end of the game.
The game is played with two packs of cards, and any number of persons may take part in it. The cards being dealt, the player at the left of the dealer lays a card in the centre of the table, face down, but naming the suit and value of the card. The next person then places a card on top of it, saying that it is the next in order—though truth is not insisted upon. It may be, and it may not be, what he represents it. If any one doubts it, he may challenge it, saying, "I doubt it!" The card is then shown, and if it prove not to be the |