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196 The Book of Indoor and Outdoor Games |
A ball knocked under the net shall be declared out of play, and counts against the side which struck it last.
This comparatively new game developed out of Lawn Tennis. It is interesting, inexpensive, requires but a field twenty feet square, and has the advantage of tennis in that the difficulty of recovering the balls that have been driven is obviated.
The ball is tethered to an upright post, and as, when struck, it has a tendency to wind the string around the post, the game is a contest between two players to drive it in opposite directions.
The pole is an upright wooden pole, ten feet high and seven and one-half inches in circumference at the base, and stands firmly embedded in the ground. A black band is painted around it six feet from the ground.
The ball—a tennis ball with linen cover—is fastened to a string with a ring made of stout linen cord. It is suspended from the top of the pole by a heavy, braided fish-line, seven and one-half feet long, leaving two and one-half feet between it and the ground, when in rest.
The court should be a smooth piece of ground. On the ground around the pole a circle is drawn, with a radius of three feet, with a straight line traversing it twenty feet long, dividing the court into two parts. Six feet from the pole, at either side, at right angles to the dividing line, two crosses are marked.
The game is played by two opponents, who toss rackets for the court.
The loser serves.
The winner of the toss may choose the direction in which to wind the ball. His opponent must try to |