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Games for Sunday Evenings 233 |
44. Who does the Scriptures say "cannot prosper"?
45. Who prayed, "Give me neither poverty nor riches" ?
46. Who said, "There is no discharge in that war"?
47. To whom was it revealed several hundred years before that the Redeemer should be born of a virgin ?
48. Who said, "The heavens shall be dissolved"?
49. Who lamented " the harvest is past, and the summer is ended '' ?
50. Who asked, "Can the Ethiopian change his skin"?
51. What other nation besides Israel is to be scattered to all people ?
52. Who was Belshazzar's successor as king of the Chaldeans ?
53. Who said, "Ephraim is joined to his idols, let him alone" ?
54. What prophet was a herdsman ?
55. What prophet was sent as a missionary to the Gentiles ?
56. What prophet said," In wrath, remember mercy " ?
57. What prophet said, "They save wages to put into a bag with holes" ?
58. Who said, "At evening time it shall be light"?
59. Who asked the question, "Will a man rob God?"
60. What became of the golden calf set up by Aaron in the wilderness journey ?
61. For how long did marriage exempt a man from going to war?
Answers to Old Testament Queries
1. Asshur.—Gen. x, 11.
2. Judah.—Gen. xxxvii, 26, 27.
3. Asenath.—Gen. xli, 45. |