Traditional Indoor And Outdoor Games - online book

An Illustrated Collection of 320+ Games & Entertainments For Kids of All Ages.

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January                                   335
ing to an adjoining room, saying, "Thus I draw aside the curtain that veils our future," and upon the floor are twelve candles in a row, all alight and each of a different colour. She explains that each candle stands for a month of the coming year—the white one for January. February has a blue candle, tied with red and white rib­bons, to suggest the national holiday. March, pale green; April, bright green; May, violet; June, pale pink; July, bright pink; August, yellow; September, lilac; October, crimson; November, orange; December, scarlet.
Each person in turn is invited to jump over the can­dles, one at a time, and if the feat be accomplished with­out extinguishing a single candle, prosperity and happi­ness are in store through all the months in the coming year; but, whichever one or ones are put out, ill-luck threatens in the month whose shining is thus eclipsed, while to knock one over presages dire calamity.
That this is a children's game, and a favourite, need not deter their elders, if the young women are careful to wrap their skirts safely about them. I have known even "Going to Jerusalem" to be enjoyed by those whose nursery days are but distant memories.
After the vigorous activity of such a testing of the fates, the guests may enjoy a pad-and-pencil game. The hostess announces twelve guests, whom they are all expecting to meet, though not in evidence yet, except in suggestion upon cards, distributed by way of intro­duction, each bearing the following lines:
"Twelve daughters these of ancient race Rich and gifted and fair of face. Their grace by poets ofttimes sung, Their virtues known to every tongue.
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