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January                                   339
lowed by expressions of amendment that he or she is conscious of needing. One such attempt at self-examination resulted in the following resolves:
"I will be as honest as the times will permit."
'' I will spend less time before my mirror—be the self-denial what it may!"
"I will break no more hearts."
1' I will not cross bridges before I get to them—it would be too difficult."
"I will be good to all, but gooder to myself."
"I will tell no more lies—except social ones, which are necessary, or I should be ousted from society."
These are read aloud, and the authorship guessed.
At the second round, the hostess insisted the resolves should be really serious—if only for the sake of contrast, when, perceiving the artistic value of that argument, the following were evolved:
"I will be what I wish to be thought."
"I will live closer to my ideals."
"My best self shall rule."
"Where I pluck out a fault, I will try to plant a virtue."
"I will look at life through rose-coloured spectacles."
"I will welcome all the bits of happiness by the way."
At the third round, each player selects some one else of the company, and writes his or her resolutions for the New Year, signing the paper with the name of the victim. On the occasion that I am recalling, the following are a sample of the resolutions suggested by "friendly enemies " :
"I will part my hair lower down."
"As I probably deserve to be hung, I will be thankful if I am only drowned."
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