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natural leaves. The leaves were also piled in pro­fusion around them on the dish—which suggested their having been freshly gathered in a supposititious garden just outside. Clam bouillon followed, and then brook trout, sweetbreads and fresh peas, asparagus, broiled chicken with lettuce salad and raw tomatoes, and strawberries crushed in cream and frozen (served in flower moulds).
After crowning the bride as "Queen of the May," we left our bit of fairyland with the pleasant thought that ere long every field and hillside, every orchard and meadow would burst into bloom—beauty scattered broadcast by nature's prodigality—and that the love­liness would be free to all!
May is the month of partings, and in honour of certain friends who are to go their several ways for the summer months a forget-me-not luncheon would be appropriate. Strange to say, that, although light-blue is the favourite colour of nearly every woman under the azure heavens, I have never seen a table decorated in that shade.
In these days of estheticism, a feast, to be acceptable, must appeal to the eye as well as to the palate, and people of abundant leisure demand novelty. No matter how delicate the fare or fine the surroundings, their taste craves the stimulus of some new thing.
I would suggest for the centre of the table a lamp, either light-blue, white, gilt, or even brass—provided that the silk shade be of the true turquoise blue. Sur­rounding this, a generous wreath of forget-me-nots, six inches in width. Fortunately, the dainty blossoms are always plentiful, and can be easily arranged by the
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