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492 The Book of Indoor and Outdoor Games |
being wound with gilt paper. This represents " wealth," and the hearts that are caught upon this stake count five points in the game for each quoit.
The second stake represents "fame," and the box is covered with white crepe-paper flecked with silver. A new tin fish-horn to represent the trumpet of fame does duty for the stake, the mouth-piece at the top. The hearts caught by this stake count ten points each to the marksman.
The third stake is set within a wreath of roses in a box covered with pink paper. This represents "love," and the hearts that fall upon this stake count twenty-five points each to the player. Love's stake should be higher than the rest—calling for exertion of a higher order—and placed in the middle so as to be given greater prominence.
The little object-lesson may not be thrown away. If it be desired to carry it further, a much higher stake, on a fourth box, might be added to represent "goodness."
The box should be covered with white paper, and a white dove might be placed on the box. They may be bought at the florists for fifty or seventy-five cents, and hired for less.
This stake should be placed behind the one dedicated to love, thus having the central position and being raised much higher. The difficulty increases the honour of success. The hearts that reach this stake count fifty each.
The game may be set at five hundred—or more, if desired. The player whose record shows the highest score may receive some really desirable prize—at the discretion of the hostess. If love be the highest stake, a little girl might be crowned with the wreath of paper roses that lay at its stake; if goodness, the child that |