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Tableaux                                  569
around him. During these scenes, the effect would be much heightened if in the accompaniment of music some of the charming old "Menuets de la Cour" could be played.
"The Gavotte" belongs to the same period and is equally picturesque, though even more extravagant in pose, while the "Pavane," said to be derived from the word pavon (peacock), is stately and solemn, though graceful. All these may be found in illustrated books on dancing, which will be found very suggestive. The charm of novelty is always sought for and thus may be had in the grouping, but nothing more attractive and bewitching in costume has ever been devised for scenic effect than that of the Louis XV. and XVI. periods.
Powdered hair is becoming to every one and may, with gowns of chintz and hats wreathed with paper roses, make up an effect that will leave no room for regretting the lack of rich brocades, velvets, and satins—though a man's costume is not quite so easily achieved.
It is imperative that he have a wig of white hair—or of bleached flax—knee-breeches, and a coat—with skirts and conspicuous pockets—opening over a long waistcoat of fancy pattern, lace jabot, and ruffles at his wrists. The costume may be hired, but if home talent be invoked it will be found that furniture-coverings of flowered designs make charming coats of the period desired, linen-back satins for upholstering are adapted for knee-breeches at small cost, and four-inch wide Valenciennes lace, at eight cents per yard, may be had at nearly all the shops where such wares are sold, to supply the laces. The same satin as that for the breeches will cover a frame for the three-cornered hat—and the costume will be complete.
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