The Light Princess And Other Stories Classic Fairytales

Includes The Giant's Heart & the Shadows, By George MacDonald

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of him. Whether the prince was so near perfec­tion that he had a right to demand perfection itself, I cannot pretend to say. All I know is, that he was a fine, handsome, brave, generous, well-bred, and well-behaved youth, as all princes are.
In his wanderings he had come across some reports about our princess ; but as everybody said she was bewitched, he never dreamed that she could bewitch him. For what indeed could a prince do with a princess that had lost her gravity? Who could tell what she might not lose next ? She might lose her visibility, or her tangibility; or, in short, the power of making impressions upon the radical sensoriurn ; so that he should never be able to tell whether she was dead 01 alive. Of course he made no further inquiries about her.
One day he lost sight of his retinue in a great
VOL, VIII.                                                                                      K
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