The Light Princess And Other Stories Classic Fairytales

Includes The Giant's Heart & the Shadows, By George MacDonald

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If it were not for a bite of a radish now and then, I never could bear it."
Here the giant looked lovingly towards the row of little boys by the fire, all of whom were nod­ding, or asleep on the floor.
" Why don't you trust it to me, dear Thunder-thump ?" said his wife. " I would take the best possible care of it."
" I don't doubt it, my love. But the responsi­bility would be too much (or you. You would no longer be my darling, light-hearted, aiiy, laughing Doodlem. It would transform you into a heavy, oppressed woman, weary of life—as I am."
The giant closed his eyes and pretended to go to sleep. His wife got his stockings, and went on with her darning. Soon the giant's pretence be­came reality, and the giantess began to nod over her work.
"Now, Buffy,"whispered Tricksey-Wee,"now'j
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