The Light Princess And Other Stories Classic Fairytales

Includes The Giant's Heart & the Shadows, By George MacDonald

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154                  THR GIANT'S HEART.
The giant led the way to the borders. lie could not go so fast but that Buffy and Tricksey managed to keep up with him. When they reached the borders, they thought it would be safer to let the children find their own way home. So they told him to set them down. He obeyed.
" Have you put them all down, Mr. Thunder-thump ? " asked Tricksey-Wee.
"Yes," said the giant.
" That's a lie! " squeaked a little voice; and out came a head from his waistcoat pocket.
Tricksey-Wee pinched the heart till the giant roared with pain.
" You're not a gentleman. You tell stories," she said.
" He was the thinnest of the lot," said Thunder-thump, crying.
"Are you all there now, children?" asked Tricksey
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