The Light Princess And Other Stories Classic Fairytales

Includes The Giant's Heart & the Shadows, By George MacDonald

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232                         THE SHADOWS.
They looked at him, and came near him, nnd passed slowly, but they never made any obeisance, or gave sign of homage. And what their eves said to him, the king only could tell. And he did not tell.
"What are those other Shadows that move through the crowd?" said he to one of his subjects near him.
The Shadow started, looked round, shivered slightly, and laid his finger on his lips. Then leading the king a little aside, and looking care­fully about him once more,—
"I do not know," said he, in a low tone, " vvhar they are. I have heard of them often, but only once did I ever see any of them before. That was when some of us one night paid a visit to a man who sat much alone, and was said to think a great deal. We saw two of those sitting in the room with him, and he was as pale as they were. We
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